Series Resources

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    At the Movies 2024 Resources
    07.12.24 | Resources

    We are rolling out the red carpet for our summer blockbuster experience, At the Movies. Get ready to see the movies and characters you love in a brand-new way. During At the Movies, we combine movie clips with biblical themes to help us grow. We...

      What Gives?
      06.20.24 | Resources

       Who doesn’t enjoy receiving a gift? It’s an awesome feeling to be surprised with something unexpected. While society often focuses on receiving, what about the power of giving—and giving generously? Our new series...

        Man Down
        05.30.24 | Resources

        Culture's confusion over what it means to be a man right now has left many feeling beaten down. Research shows that when men step into their God-given calling in a healthy way, everything around them flourishes. Find out how to make this happen...

          Relationships on Purpose
          03.28.24 | Resources

          If most of your relationships form by accident instead of with intention, this series is for you. Do you swipe right and date whoever the algorithm sets up, or do you become friends with the person in the cubicle next to you, or do you parent...

            Canceling Jesus
            02.21.24 | Resources

            Cancel culture is a phenomenon that has taken society by storm. People are being canceled for statements and actions deemed unacceptable in society. What happens when we disagree on teaching from the greatest influencer of all time? Can we cancel...

              Change a Life
              02.14.24 | Resources

              When you see something messed up in the world, do you think, “That’s too big of a problem for me to fix. There is nothing I can do," and walk away? It's the safe answer, but it's not God's answer. Join us for a one-week special...

                I've Got Issues
                01.10.24 | Resources

                Do people annoy you? They can be so judgmental, rude, selfish, and angry...the list can go on and on. Why is it so easy to see these things in other people but so hard to see them in ourselves? It’s because we’ve got issues. We all...

                  Love Has a Name
                  11.30.23 | Resources

                  Does the chaos of this holiday season have you stressed and your calendar crammed? Let us help you flip your script. Jesus’ answer to one question is the key to seeing the whole season in a new and more hopeful way. Join us for that...

                    Formerly Known As
                    10.26.23 | Resources

                    Has anyone ever asked you to describe yourself? What comes to mind when you hear this? Is it a list of accomplishments, physical features, or even titles you have? Join us for this one-week series, where we will learn how God wants us to answer...

                      Permission to Deconstruct
                      09.01.23 | Resources

                      Have you found yourself in a place where you are questioning your faith or even considering walking away from your faith? You might be struggling with questions like, 'Can I trust the Bible?', 'What do I do with doubts about faith?' and 'How can...
