Our vision goal is to help 5,000 people find Jesus by the end of 2030. As a church we know that God wants us to love people and that's the heart of our goal. Whether people end up at The Ridge or at another great local church, the outcome is the growth of God’s Kingdom. That is what we want to see!

This vision goal will take all of us coming together, and you can be apart of it. We will need a core group of people willing to pilot new ideas, offer feedback, pray, and get involved.

If you’d like to be a part of that group, and one of the first to know more about these moves, let us know that you are "in" and sign-up for the Vision Goal Email List below.

"I'm In"


Want to learn more? Check out all of the details below.

Let's help 5,000 people find Jesus.

Vision Goal | A Message from Mark Weigt

Vision Goal Q & A | Interview with Mark Weigt
