Who doesn’t enjoy receiving a gift? It’s an awesome feeling to be surprised with something unexpected. While society often focuses on receiving, what about the power of giving—and giving generously? Our new series, “What Gives,” will push you to rethink how you view giving and receiving. Discover that true generosity is more than just setting up an autopay; it’s about letting God guide your financial choices. Join us as we turn the tables on the cultural norm and learn how true blessings come when you hand over control to God.
We will see you in Greenfield, Oak Creek-Franklin, and online starting June 20 and 23.
QUICK START BUDGET Get your feet wet with budgeting. This form is only one page, but it will show you how much money you need every month to cover necessities.
DEBT SNOWBALL WORKSHEET Get the ball rolling and start attacking your debt!
Easy to Use 10-10-80 Budget Looking for a budget that is simple and easy to follow that follows biblical principles? Try our 10-10-80 budget.
A GUIDE TO YOUR EMERGENCY FUND Life happens. But you can be cash ready with an emergency fund.
WHAT IS A SINKING FUND AND HOW DO I CREATE ONE? Learn what a sinking fund is, how to create one and how it differs from an emergency fund.
34 WAYS TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY Knowing you need some extra cash in your pocket is pretty easy. All you have to do is look in your wallet. The not-so-easy part? Figuring out how to make extra money.
Building Your Own Generosity Workout Looking to take steps to grow in generosity? Here are some ideas and suggestions to get you started.
Bible Reading Plans
Anxiety about Money If you worry about money but feel powerless against anxiety, this plan is for you. Each day offers concrete steps from the Bible that lessen the grip of financial anxiety.
Smart Money Smart Kids - Raising Money-Smart Kids Based on the best-selling book Smart Money Smart Kids, these devotions won’t just challenge you to teach your kids about money. They’ll show you how to change your family tree for generations to come.
How To Be A Good Steward of Your Finances (3 Days)
Understanding what stewardship is and how it applies to our lives will change the way we make decisions. If we understand what it means to be good stewards, we’ll begin to not only see our lives change, but the world around us as well.
God's Gift of Money: Devotions from Time of Grace (14 Days)
All our blessings, including money and material possessions, come from God; we are only managers of His blessings. We can express our love and trust for Him in the way that we use what He has given to us
How Do We Talk about Money? | Interview with Nick Buerger
Breaking Free From Broke: The Ultimate Guide to More Money and Less Stress
By George Kamel
George’s delivery, highlighted by his snarky sense of humor, will keep you laughing and engaged from cover to cover (no put-you-to-sleep financial advice here). Through a millennial point of view, George exposes the toxic money system designed to keep you average (and broke) and offers solutions to help you break free from: Credit cards and credit scores, Student and car loans, Mortgage mistakes, Investing traps, & Marketing and consumerism.
Spiritual Wealth: a 40-Day Journey to Developing Stewardship Mindset
By Marcus Hall
Living the Christian life is not a simple task. As followers of Jesus, we desire to please Him and form our lifestyle by His instructions, but our natural tendencies will always drag us the wrong way. God commands us to live as good stewards of all the precious gifts He's entrusted to us. We're not just talking about finances though. Stewardship also includes every talent, every skill, and every minute of time we receive during our lifetime. Spiritual Wealthwill help you focus on scripture and principles to help you become a better manager of God's gifts. Learn how to more effectively tap into the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Total Money Makeover
By Dave Ramsey
By now, you’ve heard all the nutty get-rich-quick schemes, the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of kooky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. Hey, if you’re tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, take a look at this—it’s the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely making over your money habits. And it’s based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition, you’ll be able to:
- Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt—meaning cars, houses, everything.
- Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths (these will kill you).
- Secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement!
What the Bible Says About Money
The Bible is full of advice. What does it say about how we should handle our money?
Do Christians Have to Tithe?
No one wants to give up hard-earned money. Do we have to tithe?
27 Ways to Get Out of Debt in 2021
Let’s talk about debt. Whether you feel suffocated under an unending pile of payments, or you’re just ready to stick those monthly payments into yourwallet instead of someone else’s, you’ve come to the right place. This list of 27 ways to pay off debt is here for you on your journey to reclaim your income in 2021.
How to Use Credit Cards Responsibly (Our 3 Simple Rules)
When I was in my early 20’s I had no idea how to properly use a credit card – and I definitely didn’t know how to use it responsibly. And as a result my financial life was a mess. Sure, I could blame Visa and Mastercard, but the truth was that it was my fault. They provided me access to a tool, but I didn’t use the tool properly and got harmed by it.
How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early
So you’re eager to join the nearly 40% of American homeowners who actually own their home outright. Can you imagine that? When the bank doesn’t own your house and you step onto your lawn, the grass feels different under your feet—that’s freedom. But the problem is you’re currently stuck dragging around that ball and chain called a mortgage—just like most homeowners. Don’t worry. We’ll show you how to pay off your mortgage faster so you can finally join the ranks of debt-free homeowners.