Series Resources

    It's Complicated

    Ridge Staff Q&A How can you better accept tough words from a friend who wants to see you grow? (Proverbs 27:1-8)   I feel that the first step is to realize and fully accept that the need for growth will never end.  We all have...

      Irresistible Resources

      Ridge Staff Q&A Give freely and become more wealthy.” How do you relate to this? (Proverbs 11:24-25)      "When we believe everything we have comes from God, it is only "on loan" to us and actually belongs to Him...

        Running With Giants Resources

        Ridge Staff Q&A When have you protested what God wanted you to do? What did you learn? (Exodus 4:1-12)      "I can really relate to exodus 4 verses 10 - 12. Growing up I was afraid to speak for multiple reasons, such as...

          Climate Change Resources

            Ridge Staff Q&A What benefits do you experience from confessing your sins to someone else? (James 5:16)      "Although there is great power in confessing our sins to God through Jesus Christ, I gain a great sense...

            Before You Decide Resources

              Ridge Staff Q&A With the trials in your life, what would it look like for you to, “accept the injustice and leave it at that?” (1 Corinthians 6:7-11)      "That is a tough question given some of my...

              Escape Route Resources

                  Ridge Staff Q&A What actions are you doing to be controlled by the Holy Spirit and not by your sinful nature? (Romans 8:1-8)      "One of the first things I do is to try to tune in to the Holy Spirit...

                I Doubt It Resources

                  Ridge Staff Q&A What does it mean to you to be a child of God? (John 1:10-18)      "Being a child of God means that I don't have to do things alone anymore. I know that through Him all things are possible. Knowing...

                  Look Alike Resources

                    SHORT TERM GROUPS   Ridge Staff Q&A When do you need to listen and have better self-control in what you say to others? (Matthew 27:11-20)     "Honestly, always. Truly listening and having self-control over our...

                    Lost and Found Resources

                    Ridge Staff Q&A How do you reach out to someone who doesn’t know God?         "I think the best way to reach out to someone who doesn’t know God is to reach out with love.  When Jesus walked on the...

                      Happy-er New Year Resources

                      Ridge Staff Q&A How are you going to serve others this week? Mark 10:45           "This week, I served my wife by surprising her with a babysitter and plans to go out for the first time since our son was born. I try...
