Series Resources

    Remodel Resources

    READING PLANS A LIFE OF INTEGRITY (4 DAYS) Do you say what you mean and mean what you say? Do your actions and words line up with what you say and believe? In today’s society, it’s hard to live a life of integrity. Diving into this...

      Greatest Hits Resources

          Ridge Staff Q&A How Have You Witnessed Healing from a Personal Struggle? Personal struggles are such a difficult issue to allow God to take control of. For me, I want to solve the problem immediately, which usually results in a...

        At The Movies Resources

         *During this series, we're using movies to help illustrate biblical truths. Because this series uses movie clips, copyright laws do not allow The Ridge to post or broadcast this series on our online campus, app, website, or Roku channel. We...

          Putting Your Foot In Your Mouth Resources

          Ridge Staff Q&A How have you seen joy and peace combat criticism? (Romans 15:7-13) When I was 15 my sister became a follower of Jesus. She became quite different and I criticized her for it. She kept telling me about God and salvation and I...

            Strange Things

              Ridge Staff Q&A How do you try to live for eternity? (Revelation 22:1-6)     It can be hard to think about eternity when there are so many things to busy myself with on a day-to-day basis - and especially since I...

              Easter 2018 Resources

                Ridge Staff Q&A What is it like to be forgiven by Jesus? (John 21:15-19)   It’s one thing to be forgiven by someone for something you’ve done. It’s quite another to be forgiven by God himself who knows everything...


                Ridge Staff Q&A How has doubt or fear been a barrier in your relationship with Jesus? (Mark 11:19-25)   In my life, doubt has gotten between my relationship with Jesus simply by not allowing him to have control over aspects of my life...

                  How To Get What You Really Want Resources

                  Ridge Staff Q&A What does it mean for you to take up your cross and follow Jesus? (Matthew 16:24-28)   Life is chalked full of moments, big and small, where we have uncomfortable choices to make. In my life, that typically looks...

                    Christmas At The Ridge Resources

                      Ridge Staff Q&A What is the personal significance of Jesus being born for you? (Luke 2:10-11)   To me, the personal significance of Jesus being born is that even though He didn't have to, He met me where I'm at, lost and...

                      Missing Christmas Resources

                      Ridge Staff Q&A How has your view of forgiveness changed after knowing God has forgiven you? (Ephesians 4: 25-32)   Our view of forgiveness is so much broader because of the forgiveness we have received from God. It is pretty...

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