Nope. But, we do have amazing volunteers that are happy to guide you along the way if you choose to. They will be the ones in a blue t-shirt. Feel free to ask them for directions or guidance. You can share as little or as much as you want.
When service starts the lights will dim and the music will start. If you want to stand and sing, clap or raise your hands, that is up to you. Or if you want to sit down and take it all in and spend time with your thoughts and in the moment, that is fine as well. The lyrics will be displayed on the two large screens on stage, so you can easily follow along.
We have volunteers in Blue and Green shirts that will guide you to the kids area. You can pre-register your child (Here) or a volunteer will walk you through the easy process when you arrive and guide you and your child every step of the way. Your comfort and your childs comfort and safety are our number one priority. Get your kids settled in first, then you can go to service.
Clothing is required. But, you will find that at TRCC everyone comes dressed pretty casual and comfortable including our pastors. This is not a black tie event. You will notice most people in jeans… and on a Packer Sunday, there is no doubt who the Packer fans are. We want you to be comfortable.
Our services are about one hour. After service, everyone leaves and there are opportunities to gather in the lobby area, have another cup of coffee, debrief from the message, meet new people, or learn more about your next steps. You will find it is very inviting and there are no expectations. You can also head home, no worries. However, we would love for you to hang out for a little while.
Bringing a bible is not a requirement… In fact, we don’t have any requirements. However, we do have resources available if you need a bible. During service there are two large screens that will display the bible verses clear for you to follow along with. Or you can download the Bible App on your phone.
No way, we understand life happens. We offer multiple ways to experience church service if you can't make it in person. Watch LIVE on our Youtube channel, stream the next day, or listen to the podcast.