Sermons 2

Sep 29, 2019 | Mark Weigt

Why So Busy?

Series: Busy

When someone asks, “How are you?”, do you know what most of us answer? Busy! In fact, busyness is the #1 struggle that people deal with. We live our lives at breakneck speed, and after a while, we think it’s normal. Over time, it can make us feel stressed, anxious, angry, inadequate, and take a toll on us physically and relationally. Being “busy” is actually a choice, but it doesn’t have to be this way because God has a better way.
During our new series, Busy, we’re taking a closer look at what causes busyness, how we can deal with it, and how to find the tools to develop new rhythms. As we head into fall, join us in learning how to beat busyness so busyness doesn’t keep beating you.