Ridge 101
Ridge 101 will help you understand God’s unique vision for our church and how you can be a part of it.
This three-part class is perfect for you if you’ve just started following Jesus or are new to The Ridge.
Expect these sessions to be interactive. We’ll use tools that will help you better understand our vision, to bring the hope of Jesus into every home. You’ll also get to try activities that will allow you to experience being a part of our vision in tangible ways.
We hope you walk away with ideas on what following Jesus can look like in your life and at The Ridge!
THE FINE PRINT | Ridge 101 is available for adults and students in 6th grade and above. If your student plans to attend with you, please register them separately. This will help us host you well.
CHILDCARE | Ridge Kids available for kids ages birth – 5th grade. Please check them into Ridge Kids prior to the start of Ridge 101.
WHERE | Next Steps Room at the Greenfield Campus
WHEN | Sundays, February 2, 9, & 16 | 10:30a
Oak Creek - Franklin
WHERE | Online via Microsoft Teams