The last few years have been unlike any we've experienced in our lifetime: a pandemic, political divide, mental exhaustion...and it's caused many of us to lose our faith or settle for a version of it that Jesus did NOT have in mind when he came here. There is a disconnect between what Jesus offered and what we are experiencing.
This series starting September 1 & 4 is going to help us identify the why and the what of that disconnect and help us reclaim the eternal impact Jesus wants to make with your life.
- If you made a decision to follow Jesus, text the word Jesus to 414-509-0339.
- The Ridge will text you a daily note of encouragement for 14 days.
- Use this 14-day guide to help you continue on your faith journey.
Day 1 | Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 |
Day 9 |Day 10 | Day 11 |Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14
- Baptisms will be conducted during services on October 13 & 16.
- Click here to register for your BAPTISM.
What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus? (9 Days) – “I have decided to follow Jesus….”, a well-known Christian song. Jesus said, “Whoever does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:38). But what does this phrase mean? How can we follow Jesus? What are the costs and what are the benefits of doing so? This reading plan helps to answer these questions.
Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus by Kyle Idleman – Fans want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires sacrifice, while followers are all in and completely committed to Christ. Not a Fan gives you tools you need to determine where you stand when it comes to your relationship with Jesus.
Raising Passionate Jesus Followers: The Power of Intentional Parenting by Phil Comer – For Christian parents, there is no greater joy than seeing their children learn to walk with the Lord. And there is no greater fear than that their children will walk away from God. This is a manual of practical and time-tested guidelines that parents will be able to turn to again and again through every stage of their children’s development.
Experience for yourself why we say life is better in a Ridge Group. There’s a group that’s right for you. Click here to JOIN A GROUP
Should I Join A Small Group? l Interview with Mike & Ashley
Walk With Others (5 Days) As we walk with God, He also intends for us to help others walk more closely with Him.
Group Member Shares Experience of Being in a Ridge Group - I am learning and growing. I am connecting with my group members, and I am grateful for their insights and conversations. I am building relationships with others. I’m having fun, too. Most importantly, my relationship with God is growing, and my faith is becoming stronger.
Jesus told his disciples, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…” Matthew 28:19-20
To learn more about investing in others, visit the YOUR ONE page
Who's Your One 40 (40 Days) – Every great evangelistic movement is made up of prayerful people. Who’s Your One? Is an initiative purposed to encourage everyday people to intentionally share Jesus with at least one person this year. The Who’s Your One 40-Day Reading Plan, will walk you through 40 days of intentional prayer to provide encouragement for someone who needs the hope of Jesus.
YouVersion Bible App – Are you ready to live, love, and look like Jesus? Develop a regular time reading the Bible and put it into practice daily.
Connect with The Ridge Community Church in YouVersion
The Cost of Following Christ (5 Days) – The truth of the matter is that we all are called to forsake all and to pick-up our cross and follow Christ. That is the Christian life. The readings this week help us to reflect on the cost of following Christ. The goal is to shift our attention heavenward and cultivate a heart that can see God’s big picture.