Join in on a walk through Philippians and discover daily habits that will make you a happy person.
Joy is the theme in the book of Philippians, which is pretty amazing considering this letter was written by Paul while he was in prison. How is it possible to have joy in the midst of overwhelming sorrow and suffering? In the end, Paul teaches us that Jesus is the Author and only source of true joy.
By Rev. Dr. N.T. Wright, Dale Larsen, and Sandy Larsen
Things don't always go the way we intend. It's easy to feel discouraged because what we hope for is badly thwarted, or because people make life difficult. Paul, writing to the Philippians from prison, certainly knew what it was like to have plans interrupted. But he maintains robust confidence in God's overruling power, even when everything seems to be going wrong. These eight studies will help us learn from Paul the art of seeing God's purposes working out through problems and difficulties and will deepen our own confidence in God's power.
By Warren W. Wiersbe
In spite of his dire situation as a prisoner in a Roman jail, Paul's letter to the church at Philippi overflows with joy. Discover Paul's secret to finding joy in Christ as Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe leads you on a verse-by-verse tour through the book of Philippians. Take notice of Paul's single-minded focus on Jesus and learn how your joy can also be complete in Christ.
An unexpected bill. An upcoming doctor’s appointment. A tense family visit. Everyday struggles of all sizes creep into our lives, leaving us stressed, frustrated, anxious, or just plain miserable. The believers in Philippi were struggling. They were trying to grow in faith and live for Christ. Trying to deal with conflict and threats of persecution. The apostle Paul was stuck in a Roman prison when he wrote to this young church. Paul’s letter encourages. It inspires. His confidence reminds us of God’s wisdom and control in the difficult moments of life. His excitement challenges us in this guide to joy.
Moments of joy are just that - moments. So is it possible to experience ongoing and eternal happiness in this life? Andy Crouch discusses joy in this life and the next.
We're all looking for happiness, but how do you find it? Gabe Lyons explores the difference between happiness and joy.
Paul thanks the Christians in Philippi for their support, and he shows how Jesus' self-giving love is the model for the Christian way of life. Watch this video on the book of Philippians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Philippians, Paul thanks the Philippian Christians for their generosity and shares how they are all called to imitate Jesus’ self-giving love.
Use this resource as a visual summary of the key points and milestones in the book of Philippians.