How To Get Through What You're Going Through (5 Days)
What you know is what gets you through. If you don’t know the right things when the rough winds and tsunamis of life come, you’re going to fall over. But if our lives are built on the rock solid, bedrock truth of the Bible, we know some unchanging truths.
Don't Look Back (5 Days)
The past holds a river of memories for each of us, some good and bad. The sad thing is many of us continue to look back to the past, which is preventing us from walking into the future that God designed and prepared for us before time began. As you read through this plan, my prayer is that you will release the hold on your past and embrace the future God has for you.
Case For Christ Reading Plan (7Days)
Have you ever heard Scripture’s truths but wondered where to find those truths in the Scriptures? Or have you ever wondered where to find evidence for belief in God in the Bible? You’re not alone. This 7-day devotional explores Jesus’ claims, his deity, and offers thoughts demonstrating that he is the Messiah by Lee Strobel, a former atheist. Devotional thoughts are drawn from Lee's own experiences and feature a journalistic style from his days as an investigative reporter with the Chicago Tribune. This plan is perfect for those engaged in a thorough search for the truth to decide if Jesus was who he claimed to be.
Help Me! I Need To Change My Life! (7 Days)
Are you facing something in your life where you feel “THIS HAS TO CHANGE”? Do you believe you can change your life? You don’t have to stay the way you are because God can bring change to your life and bring the best out of you. Brian Houston shows you how by walking you through every step from where to start to how to let your convictions empower you to change.
Discover God's Heart Devotional (21 Days)
These reading passages are designed to help you discover just what it means to be loved by an awesome God. This reading plan is designed to help you explore the verses that give us insight into God’s heart, and each passage will teach you about how his love can transform your life. These 21 daily readings will also illuminate ways in which you can grow closer to God as you learn more about the scripture.
A Deeper Look at What the Bible Says About Hope
What gives you hope? Do you find hope in God? What does hope have to do with being a Christian?
Does God Offer Hope?
Hope is vital to all people. But where can we find hope?
Is Jesus Really God?
Lord? Liar? Lunatic? Jesus actually claimed to be God. How can we possibly know if he was telling the truth?
Did Jesus Exist?
Could it be that Jesus never existed? Has everyone who believes in him been deceived?
What Is Forgiveness?
Should we really forgive and forget? What does that even look like?
What Happens When I Die?
What is your belief and hope for the afterlife? Is this life all there is?
A Deeper Look at What the Bible Says about the Afterlife
What happens when I die? It’s a question we’ve all asked—or at least thought.
How Does Jesus Save Us?
Does Jesus match your definition of a hero? Heroes save people—does Jesus?
Putting Your Faith in God
What does it mean, exactly, to put your faith in God? Faith is an integral part of the human experience. But faith means different things to different people. Is it simply what you believe in your mind? When it comes to faith in God, things get even more interesting.