You go to church, you’ve even joined a group and/or serve on a team. But have ever wondered if there is something more to your spiritual journey that just this? The answer is there’s so much more! This series will not only talk about what that “more” is, but also give you the tools to experience it.
Week 5 Resources
Message Series on 5 Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith
Message Series on what it actually Means to be a Christian
A Deeper Look at What the Bible Says About Spiritual Growth
There are many paths to take in pursuit of spiritual growth. What does the Bible say?
How to Trust God
To trust in God, we must start by looking at what He says about Himself.
Week 4 Resources
Who Is The Holy Spirit? Gain a better understanding about who the Holy Spirit is and his role in our lives.
What is The Trinity? The Trinity is a strange concept. Is there one God or are there three?
Who Is The Holy Spirit? A 60 Second answer.
Book Recommendations:
Forgotten God by Francis Chan
This book will help you gain a better understanding on the Holy Spirit.
Week 3 Resources
God & Prayer: How do you talk to God? Does He Hear our prayers?
What is Prayer? Is prayer more than just asking for what you want?
Does Prayer Work? Prayer can be an ongoing conversation with God, but does it make any difference?
How Do I Pray? Maybe you've heard prayer is important. But how do you start?
Hail Mary Prayer Series: Watch The Ridge's past series on prayer.
30-Day Prayer Challenge Reading Plan: A plan designed to motivate you to pray and challenge you to pray boldly and consistently for 30 days.
Book Recommendation:
Too Busy Not to Pray
Available at The Ridge Resource Center for $10
Week 2 Resources
What is The Bible? What makes up the best-selling and most controversial book in print?
What is The Bible? Is the Bible more than a dust-collector on a shelf next to an old photo of grandma?
Why You Should Read the Bible: Is our relationship with God dependent on reading the Bible? Learn the pivotal role the Bible plays in actually knowing God.
How to Read the Bible: Mike Breen explains how to read the Bible, keeping two important questions in mind.
How to Read the Bible: The Bible can be confusing and complicated. How in the world are you suppose to read it?
How to Study the Bible: How can we understand what the Bible says and apply it's messages?
How to Select a Bible: With so many different options to choose from, how do you choose a Bible?
What are the books of the Bible? The Bible can be confusing. Is it more than one book?
History of the Bible: What happened to give us the Bible we have today? What is it's history?
God & Scripture: Is the Bible an historical document or the written Word of God?
Book Recommendations:
30 Days to Understanding the Bible
Reading Plans and Devotionals
How to download and install the free Bible app:
Bible reading plan for those with questions about God:
Bible reading plan for those just getting started with Bible reading:
Read the New Testament in a year. 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week, 5 ways to dig deeper. This plan will take you through one chapter each day.
Bible reading plan for those familiar with the Bible: New through 30
This plan will take you through the entirety of the New Testament in 30 days. (Not sure what the New Testament is? Read the article, “What Are the Books of the Bible?”)
30 Days with Jesus Reading Plan
40 Most Popular Bible Verses Devotional
40 Inspirational Readings for New Christians
Week 1 Resources:
God and Community: What Role Do Others Play in Spiritual Growth?
Past Ridge Messages on How Connecting Helps Us Grow
60 Seconds on How God Grows Our Faith: Starting Point
How People Grow: Gain a better understanding of how God grows us by reading this article.
Connecting WIth God: Do you feel disconnected from God? This video from Jennie Allen examines the barriers that keep us from connecting with Him.
Can I Know God? Most people want to know God but how do you make that happen?
Can I Know God Personally? Is it possible to have a personal relationship with God? Watch this vieo and
then decide.
How Can We Know God?
How Can I Grow Spiritually? Change is hard - especially internal change. Here is some insight on how
to do it.
Does God Speak To Us?
How Can We Hear God? In this video, Amena Brown talks about how we can hear God's rhythm.
How To Experience God in Your Daily Life: Is it possible to experience God personally in your daily life?
Book Recommendations:
The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love With the God Jesus Knows