There’s a lot of confusion among men on what it means to be a man. When there is confusion, men either create their own definitions or they pull back and stop exploring all God has for them. If you decide to follow Jesus, that means you get up every day and decide to let Jesus lead your life. When men decide to follow Jesus, they have a unique spiritual influence that positively impacts their families, neighborhoods, schools, and communities. There are four areas (corners) that men look to find life – Ball field, Bedroom, Boardroom, and Billfold. God has made men with a desire for each of these. Following Jesus allows Him to anchor all four corners.
Men work and compete; this drives their identity.
Fight: Winning the Battles That Matter Most
By Criag Groeschel
Your playbook to becoming who God created you to be a man who knows how to fight for what’s right.
Wild At Heart
By John Eldredge
"God designed men to be dangerous", says John Eldredge. Simply look at the dreams and desires written in the heart of every boy: to be a hero, to be a warrior, to live a life of adventure and risk.
Men evaluate their relationship and themselves based on their sex life.
Sacred Marriage: What if God Designed Marriage to Make us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?
By Gary Thomas
Thomas reveals that sacred marriages teach us to love God and others well by fostering a healthy sex life, a strong prayer life, and a rich spiritual life.
Men are driven by title and power.
From Cleaning Toilets to the Corner Office with Steve Hightower - President and CEO of Hightower Petroleum (Podcast with Brian Tome)
Steve Hightower shares how he learned the keys to success.
Men love stuff and status – the more men have the more they feel secure.
Short-Term Group: Rock Solid Finance
Wednesdays, July 6-27 | 6:30-8p
Greenfield Campus
Are you tired of always worrying about money? Do you know what the Bible says about money? This 4-week class will teach basic financial strategies based on Bible principles. We will cover the topics of budgeting, debt elimination, savings, and honoring God with our finances.
Smart Money Smart Kids: Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money
by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze
Dave Ramsey, and his daughter, Rachel Cruze, team up to share some personal family stories. A no-nonsense approach for teaching your kids and teens the basics of money.
Would an Outside Perspective Provide Insight?