We've all felt the internal fire of rage build up as our anger toward people and situations gets out of control. This series will help us learn to extinguish the flame before we get burned or burn someone else. To end our series, we will be having baptism on Sunday, November 29th during all services. For more info or to sign-up, visit our Baptism page.
Reading Plans
Week 1 Devotional
Week 2 Devotional
Life's Healing Choices: Freedom from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits
Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion
Celebrate Recovery
•Are you feeling stuck?
•Come...Find Hope
•You may be thinking that recovery is just for people with alcohol or drug problems. The Truth is that only one third of the people attending Celebrate Recover are dealing with chemical dependencies. Many of us have created unhealthy methods for handling life. Regardless of your struggle, whether it's emotional, relational, financial, spiritual, sexual or whatever, Celebrate Recovery will teach you to make the healing choices that will help you become the person God created you to be.
Click HERE for more information about Celebreate Recovery.
If you need further help in dealing with your anger or responding to the anger of someone else,
text us at: 414.455.4559