Finding Your Way (3 Days)
Do you know where you’re going? In the Bible, Jesus answers that question. And provides direction. These guided audio meditations will help you take that walk. A walk to encounter God. Walking and dwelling in the divine presence of God as He helps you find your way.
Starting Over: Your Life Beyond Regrets (5 Days)
Regrets. We all have them. Whether it be last week or last year, we long to make things right – to change direction, to begin again. The good news is this: You can escape the “Sorry Cycle” of longing and regret and start over. Give God the opportunity to redeem your regrets so you can see good come from life’s deepest disappointments. Yes, you can learn to live beyond your regrets!
Making Decisions (5 Days)
What should we do when the Bible doesn’t seem to speak directly to the situations and decisions we face each day? The following reading plan will help you to make decisions that glorify God and honor others.
Decisions (7 Days)
Coming to major crossroads in life can be an intimidating and nerve-wracking experience. Follow God's Word and he promises your paths will be made straight.
Divine Direction (7 Days)
Every day, we make choices that shape our life story. What would your life look like if you became an expert at making those choices? In the Divine Direction Bible Plan, Craig Groeschel, encourages you with seven principles from his Divine Direction book to help you find God’s wisdom for your daily decisions. Discover the spiritual direction you need to live a God-honoring story you’ll love to tell.
The Principle of the Path: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
By Andy Stanley
Not where you want to be? Wondering how to get there?Why is it that smart people with admirable life goals often end up far from where they intended to be? Why is it that so many people start out with a clear mental picture of where they want to be relationally, financially, and professionally and yet years later find themselves far from their desired destination? Why do our expectations about our own future often go unmet?
Divine Direction: 7 Decisions that Will Change Your Life
By Craig Groeschel
Master the decisions that will make your life everything God wants it to be. Every day we make choices. And those choices accumulate and eventually become our life story. What would your life look like if you became an expert at making those choices? What story do you want to tell about yourself? God is dedicated to the wonderful plan he’s laid out for you. The achievable and powerful steps in Divine Direction take you there one step at a time, big, or small.
Decision Making and the Will of God: A Biblical Alternative to the Traditional View
By Garry Friesen
Does God have a perfect will for each Christian? Can you be absolutely certain of God’s specific will for your life? Garry Friesen examines the prevalent view on God’s will today and provides a sound biblical alternative to the traditional teaching of how God guides us. Most Christians have been taught how to find God’s will, yet many are still unsure whether they’ve found it. God does guide His people, but the question is, “How does He guide?”
5 Principles for Biblical Decision Making
I pray and I talk to God, but I must be doing something wrong. I can’t seem to make wise decisions, and I have trouble knowing what God wants me to do in various situations. Can you relate to this thought process? We can find ourselves stuck in holding patterns because we can’t decide what to do.
The Path Principle
“Direction determines destination.” Your destination has nothing to do with your intentions, and everything to do with your direction.
How to Be at Peace and Get What You Want
Fortune 500 CEO Brad Hewitt’s wisdom for moving past our insatiable cravings.