Life is anything but predictable. Every journey has unexpected and unplanned detours. We often think these are bad - some even derail our life forever. But what if they are an essential part of us reaching our destiny?
In this series, we take a look at the life of Joseph and the lessons we can learn from his story.
Watch the series on YouTube here.
Following Jesus is a journey to become someone who loves, looks, and lives like him. This journey involves taking steps to help you grow. Click here for options to help guide you towards your NEXT STEP.
As we go through the Detours series, we will look at the life of Joseph, which is recorded in Genesis chapters 37-50. Read these chapters to familiarize yourself with Joseph’s story. Take note, how seeing our detours from a different perspective can make all the difference.
You can learn more about this and the importance of being baptized here.
Alpha is an 8-week series of group conversations that explore life, spirituality, and faith. We create a non-judgmental and open environment where it’s easy for anyone to discuss faith with new friends. If you are new to faith, returning to faith, established in faith, or still exploring faith. Alpha creates a conversation you can be a part of.
Study of Joseph: Found Faithful When Life Is Less Than (5 Days)
Life doesn’t always turn out the way we thought it would. What happens when everything that was supposed to be, isn’t? How can we honor God through the midst of trials and disappointments? Join individuals from The Ridge as we read through this plan together starting on Sunday, May 1.
Joseph the Exile (Bible Project Podcast)
Joseph is one of the Bible’s most famous characters, and in the Genesis scroll, his story is a climatic moment in the theme of exile that spans the whole book.
Joseph The Suffering Servant (Bible Project Podcast)
He lays down his life to save a remnant of God’s people, he brings God’s blessing to all nations, he forgives those who tried to kill him, and his name is Joseph?
God Can Use Detours to Get You to Your Destiny by Tony Evans
Life has a way of serving up a variety of situations. Some are good. Some are bad. And some are bitter. The difference between a successful person living out his or her destiny and a person aimlessly checking off each day can often be found in how that person views his or her life experiences. A successful person will view his or her life experiences—the good, the bad, and the bitter—through the lens of purpose. Even the detours.
Discovering God in the Detour by Genesis Sifuentez
As we think about a variety of landscapes that God takes us through in the Christian life, we consider the detour. Detours come in many shapes and sizes, but all of them share one thing in common: We didn’t see them coming.
Reasons to Trust God in the Detours of Our Lives by Kristen Wetherell
Detours come in many different shapes and sizes, but all of them share one thing in common. We didn’t see them coming. They catch us off-guard, leaving us frustrated, confused, curious, even heart broken.
Detours: The Unpredictable Path to Your Destiny
By Tony Evans
God has a plan for your life. More often than not, it’s a detour, one that can leave you feeling temporarily stalled and slowed down. Which nobody likes. But detours are necessary if any improvements are going to be made on the paths we travel. Or if any wreck is going to be cleaned up or a hazard avoided. Detours are designed for our own good, regardless of how we view or feel about them.
Joseph: How God Builds Character
By Paul Borthwick
This LifeGuide study discusses the life of Joseph who was sold into slavery, spent years imprisoned over false accusation, and yet modeled forgiveness and hope. Explore Joseph’s story as a way toward discovering how God’s dream might be fulfilled in and through you.