Do you ever feel like your life is nonstop running and running, but you aren’t really going anywhere? We live our lives taking cues from what our friends, neighbors, and and everyone else is doing, but what if that leaves us feeling empty? What if the life we long for isn’t found doing what everyone else is doing? What if it was found going against the grain?
Against the Grain kicks off February 16 & 19.
Recommended Books
Sources of Self by Charles Taylor
Rise and Triumph of Modern Identity by Carl Trueman
Against the Grain: Short-Term Group
When | Wednesdays, February 22 - April 5 | 7-8p
Where | Greenfield Campus
Come have a group conversation around our series Against the Grain.
Bible Plans
How Does Culture Affect Us? | Interview with Mark Weigt
The life Jesus offers
The Key to Finding Happiness Everyone wants to be happy. Isn't that the greatest goal in life?
Who Is Jesus? A Deeper Look Jesus is the central figure within Christianity. What does the Bible say about Him?
Paradoxes from Jesus (7 Day Devotional) Jesus said some profound things—some of which seem pretty counterintuitive. But that doesn’t make them untrue. Over the course of a week, you can dive into some of the paradoxical sayings of Jesus.
Grace and Truth
What Is Grace? Christians love to throw around the word “grace.” What does that mean?
Unconditional Love. Is God’s Love for us truly unconditional? Discover why unconditional love is based on who you are rather than what you do.
What is Truth? VIDEO & ARTICLE
What The Bible Says About Truth
Grace and Truth: How to Find the Balance Grace and truth: Jesus personifies these two essential qualities of the Christian life and shows us how to live them out in balance.
Changing your Heart
How to Recognize and Get Rid of Idols
How to Develop a Heart for God
Love & Serving Others
What is Love? There is something innate in us that longs to be loved, but what exactly are we longing for?
Unconditional Love Is God's love for us truly unconditional?
How to Love God God asks us to love him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. How do we do that?
A Deeper Look at What The Bible Says about Love:
5 Ways You Can Love Your Enemies Are you struggling to find ways to "love your enemies" according to the Lord Jesus' command in Matthew 5:44? Here are some ways you can do it.
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts and How God has Designed You To Serve People We believe that God has given every follower of Jesus at least one dominant spiritual gift for the growth of the church community. This assessment is designed to help you discover the gifts that God has placed in you.
Who Is Your One? Imagine if every follower of Jesus could name a person who is far from God – a person they are praying for, investing in, and seeking to share about Jesus. We believe God’s people don’t merely need another method for evangelism – what they need is a passion to help people they love find the God who loves them. Don’t have your one yet, that’s ok, see resources below to help you identify your ONE.