Lost and Found Resources

    02.08.17 |

    Ridge Staff Q&A

    How do you reach out to someone who doesn’t know God?

            "I think the best way to reach out to someone who doesn’t know God is to reach out with love.  When Jesus walked on the Earth, everything He did revolved around loving people.  In a hopeless and dark world, being “love” in someone’s life can be an incredibly powerful thing.  In addition to representing love, I also think we should never underestimate the power of prayer.  If the Holy Spirit is putting someone on your heart, don’t be afraid to pray for them to open up their heart to Jesus.  Jesus loves for us to pray BIG prayers!"

    Caleb Rogers, Campus Arts Director




     Week 1

    Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5


    Reading plans

    Be Transformed To Transform (3 days)
    This reading plan will help you experience God's call and understand His purpose for you/us. Leading a life of testimony, telling others of His saving grace.

    Switch: How To Follow Jesus (6 days)
    We throw the word ‘disciple’ around all the time but do we really know what it means? And what does it really look like to follow Jesus in our lives every day—to actually be His disciple? If you want to be a disciple of Jesus, then this Bible Plan is for you.


    By Dave and Jon Ferguson

    Dave and Jon Ferguson communicate a simple strategy that will engage millions of Jesus followers and challenge every church leader to become a reproducing follower and leader. Exponential lays out a brief but solid theology for a reproducing strategy, giving practical “how-to’s” for reproducing Christ followers, leaders, artists, groups/teams, venues, sites, churches, and networks of churches.  


    Share Your Story, Make Disciples – Multiplication by Association

    This short article challenges us to reach out to others and to not do it alone.


    What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

    Unpack the different components of how to follow Jesus.


    Watch how Natalie was transformed by an invitation. 



    NFL Quarterback, Landry Jones, seemingly had it all.  Watch him tell his story.
